About Place Opening Reception

Person walking in the rain

Clare Rojas, Walking in rainbow rain (detail), 2021. Oil on linen canvas, 56 x 70 in. (142.2 x 177.8 cm). Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Museum purchase, a gift from The Svane Family Foundation, 2022.26.4 ©️ Clare Rojas. Courtesy of the artist and Jessica Silverman, San Francisco

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Contemporary Support Council members and other special guests are invited to the opening reception for About Place: Bay Area Artists from the Svane Gift.

Join us for the opening of About Place: Bay Area Artists from the Svane Gift. The second in an exhibition series celebrating a generous donation from the Svane Family Foundation, About Place: Bay Area Artists from the Svane Gift explores how 10 Bay Area artists see themselves in relation to their environments by considering notions of place as physical land, heritage, a site for the imaginary, or belonging.

Featured artists: Wesaam Al Badry, Miguel Arzabe, Saif Azzuz, Guillermo Galindo, Katy Grannan, Chris Johanson, Postcommodity, Clare Rojas, Rupy C. Tut, and Chelsea Ryoko Wong.

Ticket info

Contemporary Support Council members, and special guests can RSVP by Thursday, July 25, at donors@famsf.org.

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Accessibility info

To request accessibility accommodations for the evening, please reach out to donors@famsf.org by Thursday, August 1, 2024.

About Place: Bay Area Artists from The Svane Gift is made possible by the Svane Family Foundation.

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